

 Introduction:- AIDS stand for acquired immuno deficiency syndrome . AIDS is a name use to describe the number potentially life threatening infection & illness  that happen when our immune system has been severely damaged by the HIV virus.  AIDS is a chronic life threatening condition by HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus), were the virus severely damage the immune system by destroying CD-4 + T-cell which are essential for fighting cell.  Morphology:- HIV is a spherical envelope RNA virus, about 90-120nm. It belong to retro-viridae family also known as retrovirus, specifically latent virus genus.  The virus is surrounded by a lipid bilayer with viral glycoprotein spikes, gp 120 & gp 41. gp 120 is surface glycoprotein or gp 41 is transmembrane protein, important for attachment and entry into host cells.  HIV has a cone shaped core that contains viral RNA neucleocapsid & enzyme.  The capsid protect the viral RNA and the enzyme that is charact...

Infection of Respiratory Tract. Introduction, morphology, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis.

 The respiratory tract comprises of upper and lower tract. There are different organisms infecting the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. The organisms of URI ( upper respiratory tract infections) are Streptococci groups, cornea bacterium diphtheria, Borrelia, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, mumps infection. The organisms of lower organism Klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas, mycoplasma, etc  Introduction Influenza is categorize in URI ( upper respiratory tract infection). It comes under family Orthomyxoviridae. This is a envelope RNA virus.  Morphology Influenza is an acute infectious disease. The influenza virus is usually spherical with diameter 80-120 nanometer. Some strains show pleomorphism (shapeless).  The influenza virus has a lipid envelope. The envelope contain two types of glycoprotein spikes- Hemagglutination (HA) facilitate viral attachment to the host cells & entry, Neuraminidase (NA)- it assist in the release of newly form from infected c...

Here is the small overview of biotechnology. It's applications and presences in different fields, also some disadvantages.

1. what is biotechnology? •  The concept of biotechnology encompasses a wide range of procedures for modifying living organisms for human purposes. •  In more easy words, biotechnology is the branch of science which deals with the application of biological techniques for human welfare. •  It involves the modification of genes by the enzymatic action which leads to the production of some biological entity like antibodies, vaccines etc benefits mankind. 2. Uses and application of Biotechnology: Application of biotech led to the development of products such as bread and vaccines. Here are some examples of industries that may integrate biotechnology: • Medical and health care: Synthetic insulin and synthetic growth hormone and diagnostic tests to detect various diseases, gene therapies, vaccines such as hepatitis B are some milestones of biotechnology and its alliance with genetic engineering. Its ability to perform very complicated tests in a shorter time and at lo...