Here is the small overview of biotechnology. It's applications and presences in different fields, also some disadvantages.

1. what is biotechnology?

•  The concept of biotechnology encompasses a wide range of procedures for modifying living organisms for human purposes.

•  In more easy words, biotechnology is the branch of science which deals with the application of biological techniques for human welfare.

•  It involves the modification of genes by the enzymatic action which leads to the production of some biological entity like antibodies, vaccines etc benefits mankind.

2. Uses and application of Biotechnology:

Application of biotech led to the development of products such as bread and vaccines.

Here are some examples of industries that may integrate biotechnology:

• Medical and health care:

Synthetic insulin and synthetic growth hormone and diagnostic tests to detect various diseases, gene therapies, vaccines such as hepatitis B are some milestones of biotechnology and its alliance with genetic engineering.

Its ability to perform very complicated tests in a shorter time and at lower cost.

• Molecular biology 
• Chemistry.                     
 • Bionics
 • Genetic engineering 
• Genomics. 
• Nanotechnology
 • Informatics.
 • Genetically modified organisms(GMOs) that lead to more efficient and cost-effective agricultural.

• Industrial and manufacturing:

Biotechnology has proved helpful in refining industrial processes.

•Biofuels that are sustainable, reducing waste and pollution. 
Biofuels that use renewable crops such as corn to produce combustible fuel instead of natural, nonrenewable fossil fuel resources, such as petroleum and oil.

• Biodegradable garments and textiles made from the proteins of the living of spiders.

• Fermentation and the use of enzymes and microbes to streamline chemical manufacturing and reduce operational cost and chemical emissions.

•Agriculture and food science:

Biotechnology is used in crop development and food production.

• Biologically produced pesticides and herbicides that are less harmful to humans than chemical ones.

• Drought- resistant crops.
• Minimal space resilient crops.
• Meal grown in lobs or using 3 D printers.
• Gluten-free grains are friendly to suffer of celiac.

• Selective breeding that produces healthier, bigger livestock and crops.

• Nutrient supplementation that infuses food with added nutrients to improve diets and medical treatments.

• Environmental care:

Biotechnology is used in the treatment of waste and recycling. Through bioremediation processes, very useful for ecological recovery, the catabolic properties of microorganisms, fungi, plants and enzymes are used to restore contaminated ecosystems.

The following are examples of environmental biotech:

• Phytoremediation uses genetically engineered microorganisms to purify soils of heavy metals and other pollutants.

• Bioremediation introduces microorganisms into waste sites in order to organically break down non recyclable waste.

• Plastic-eating bacteria break down waste such as plastic in soils and water.

• GMO foods stay fresher longer and reduce food waste.

• Genetic restoration attempts to restore endangered species such as the American chestnut tree.

• Cover-crops such as corn are used as biofuels, replacing traditional fuel sources that produce greenhouse gas emissions when extracted and used.

3. What are the disadvantages of biotechnology:

• Turns human life into a commodity. 

• Has many unknowns. 

• Can be harnessed as a weapon. 

• Destroy cropland. 

• Ethical concerns regarding genetic modification. 

• Risk of contamination of non-genetically modified organisms. 

• Limited availability of biotechnology products in developing countries. 

• Small framers who don’t use GMOs may go out of business. 

• Biodiversity loss.

 • Excessive amounts of artificial flavors in our food.

 • High levels of local unemployment. 

• Overproduction may become a big problem. 

• Health problems related to GMOs. 

• Spread of plant diseases.

 • Ethical concerns regarding genetic engineering.


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